AVReAl update — 1.28r4
avreal v1.28r4 (Tue 2010-09-07) has been released.
- Synchronisation lost after verification for FT2232/FT4232-based adapters — NOT fixed
- Incorrect verifcation of fuses — fixed.
The bug has been fixed in version 1.28r5.
. .. ..o .oO .oO failed
avreal v1.28r4 (Tue 2010-09-07) has been released.
A strange bug was found in avreal 1.28r2 and 1.28r3. At the coincidence of conditions
for some microcontroller types avreal fails with “synchronosation lost” error after the first verification.
avreal v1.28r3 (Mon 2010-08-16) has been released.
Oops! Some bugs found.