AVReAl update — 1.28r4

avreal v1.28r4 (Tue 2010-09-07) has been released.

The bug has been fixed in version 1.28r5.

bug in avreal 1.28r2 and 1.28r3

A strange bug was found in avreal 1.28r2 and 1.28r3. At the coincidence of conditions

  • An FT2232/FT4232-based adapter is used
  • There are some data for top two flash bytes — either data from hex-file or erase counter
  • flash and fuses are used in one avreal call
  • -v verification switch is used

for some microcontroller types avreal fails with “synchronosation lost” error after the first verification.

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AVReAl update – 1.28r3

avreal v1.28r3 (Mon 2010-08-16) has been released.

  • avreal does not process fuses from Extended Fuse byte for ATmega16M1, ATmega32M1, ATmega64M1, ATmega32C1, ATmega64C1 — fixed.

Oops! Some bugs found.

[flagcounter image]