AVReAl/Linux and root privileges

Originally AVReAl/Linux worked with LPT directly, by processor in/out instructions. This method requires root privileges. Later /dev/parport support was added. It is enough to add a user in lp group for this access method. Both ways are described in AVReAl and LPT in Linux post.

Then FTDI MPSSE support was added. I noticed that without administrator rights the program can’t connect to FT2232 chip. But all AVReAl versions on my PC run with root priveleges because it is required for LPT direct acces testing. So, the program works fine with FTDI chips and I had no need to dig deeper.

Finally I decided to investigate the matter. As often happens, to do right you just stop and spend a little time to read and think.

To work with FTDI-based programmers without root priveleges add a file named, for example 55-ftdi.rules to directory /etc/udev/rules.d/. The file must have the following content:

# FTDI-based devices
# FTDI vid=0403
# FT2232, FT2232H: pid=6010
# FT4232H:  pid=6011
# FT232H:   pid=6014
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6010|6011|6014", OWNER="root", GROUP="root", MODE="0666"

You need not reboot. It is enough to reconnet the programming adapter.

The rules use default vid/pid for FTDI chips. If you use an adapter with different vid/pid, add appropriate line into the file.

OpenOCD contains a file with rules for all adapters supported by this program. If FTDI-based adapter listed in the file is used with AVReAl, you can simply copy the file into /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory. OpenOCD rules use GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0664". As for me it is no difference between this two variants for desktop PC because all users are already included in plugdev group.

Of course, you must have administrator rights to create the file. After that you will be able to work with AVReAl without root privileges.

Attached Files:

[flagcounter image]