29 серпня 2010 4:04 PM
A strange bug was found in avreal 1.28r2 and 1.28r3. At the coincidence of conditions
- An FT2232/FT4232-based adapter is used
- There are some data for top two flash bytes — either data from hex-file or erase counter
- flash and fuses are used in one avreal call
- -v verification switch is used
for some microcontroller types avreal fails with “synchronosation lost” error after the first verification.
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14 березня 2010 9:34 PM
Working of avreal with FT2232C/L/D/H has been checked for WindowsXP/64, Windows7/32 Windows7/64 and CDM 2.06.00 driver. All OK.
31 січня 2010 9:26 PM
avreal v1.28r1 (Sun 2010-01-31) has been released.
- FT2232H, FT4232H support is added. Both channels with MPSSE are allowed for programming. Allowable pin names are listed in configuration description.
- Switch -k is added for waiting an adapter’s key being pressed before starting the programming. See key record description.
- Switch modifier -os is added for selecting SCK frequency instead of MCU clocking frequency.
20 січня 2010 11:01 PM
avreal v1.28r0 (Wed 2010-01-20) has been released.
- FTDI device list switch -aft2232 -p? doesn’t require microcontroller type switch +name.
- tiny2313A, tiny4313 added.
- -az switch leaves FT2232 in MPSSE mode with programming pins configured as inputs.
- Pin groups led_ok, led_error are added for LPT-based adapters.
- All record types including led_ok, led_error are supported now for FT2232-based adapter configuration.
- enable pin for FT2232-based adapters is processed in the same way as for LPT-based so inversion mark ‘~’ is required for buffers with active low enable input.
- Unbuffered mode is always used for program output for better information refreshing when IDE redirection is used.
- HEX-file data records (type 00) with zero-length data field are ignored.
- -ar switch was removed so configuration file must be created for inverted RESET.