scmRTOS 4.0 release

At April, 4 (04.04.2012) scmRTOS 4.0 has been released.

Previous version (3.10 + fixes for known bugs) is saved in scmrtos/tags/3.11.

New version is fixed in scmrtos/tags/4.00 and will be developed further in scmrtos/trunk.

Wat’s new in scmRTOS 4.0 » » »

scmRTOS for STM8, IAR port

STM8/IAR port added to pre-v400 branch of scmRTOS repository.
scmRTOS samples for STM8/IAR can be downloaded as archive. scmRTOS/Common, scmRTOS/Extensions and scmRTOS/STM8 directories are empty in this package. scmRTOS pre-v4.00 kernel, OS extensions and STM8/IAR port archives should be downloaded separately and unpacked in appropriate directories.

»»» Read more about scmRTOS port for STM8 microcontrollers

scmRTOS for STM8

There is draft release of scmRTOS port for STM8 microcontrollers and IAR compiler.
The port is based on scmRTOS branch pre-v400.

This port version limitations:

  • LARGE data model is not supported.
  • Software interrupt context switcher is not released.
  • Separate stack for interrupt handlers is not released.

scmRTOS samples 1-EventFlag and 4-Debug are included. Samples are compiled with IAR v1.30 and tested on STM8S-DISCOVERY board (STM8S105C6).

1-EventFlag sample is based on AVR/GCC port sample so explanation of this scmRTOS sample can be used.

4-Debug sample does not work properly if maximum optimisation for speed is selected in IAR IDE.

Update 8-Nov-2011: STM8/IAR port added to scmRTOS repository.

Attached Files:

[flagcounter image]